Fish Tacos

I think one of the best ways to build’s variety into a child’s diet is to build on what is already familiar to them. I love deconstructed meals too where everyone can pick what they wish. Even if your child just wants the fish fingers, then that is still fine! Serve some chips with it too if you like. Remember the end goal to mealtimes is to keep them fun and happy! I think we are now eating more meals together as a family and this is perfect for role modelling the kind of behaviour and attitude to mealtimes we wish to pass on to them.

GET AHEAD: Prepare all veggies and put in a tupperware
TEATIME SUGGESTION: Pizza and shaker salad (watch video here)

Serving suggestion:
A large dollop of long-term thinking (don’t focus on just one meal)
- A cup of cheerful conversation (no bribery, just connection)
- A pinch of salt (how you should take all food rejection!)
- Lashings of laissez-faire (the less you micro manage, the better)


Fish fingers
Shredded lettuce
A mix of veg - grated carrot, cherry tomatoes, cubed cucumber or pepper
Soft tortilla wraps (
Lime wedges
Mayonnaise with some sweet chilli sauce added
Fresh coriander

In addition to the fish fingers, if I can get hold of some haddock or hake, I may make this fish recipe to add to the meal by Nigella Lawson to give it a grown-up slant!

Fish Tacos - Nigella Lawson

FishGrace Willis